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Kent stars to appear in Jones’ Benefit game
Kent stars to appear in Jones’ Benefit game

Despite the domestic cricket season now being over, Kent fans can watch Geraint Jones’ Benefit side play this weekend.

The Kent Beneficiary is to play his part in an annual Twenty20 cricket match against Matt Walker’s Gravesend XI and this year’s fixture is Sunday 23rd September.

The majority of Geraint’s team will be the KCCC youngsters, with Matt Coles, Adam Riley, Sam Billings plus England spinner James Tredwell set to feature, whilst there should be a guest appearance by Kent old boy, Min Patel.

The event is being held at and run by Gravesend CC and profits from the event will be donated to Geraint’s Benefit fund and Gravesend CC – Matt Walker’s home club before Kent and Essex beckoned.

The event starts with an Indian buffet lunch from midday and the game commences at 2pm.

Hospitality is available at £40 per head. For a table of ten two bottles of wine are included. If you are interested in coming along for what should be a fun afternoon let Alison Patel know at [email protected]

Alternatively, if you just wish to watch the game entry to the ground will be £5 per adult and £3 per child over five.
